Based on the feasibility study for Chongqing bonded port area, this paper discusses the development mode of China ′ s inland port free trade zone. 通过重庆设立保税港区的可行性研究论证工作,对我国内陆港口自由贸易区发展模式进行初步探讨。
Which city suits inland make foreign trade? 内地哪个城市适合做进出口贸易?
The volume is so great that some inland trade hubs can't find enough metal shipping containers to load products headed overseas. 需求量是如此巨大,以至于一些内地的贸易中心甚至找不到足够的集装箱向海外运货。
Closer economic co-operation in the Pan Pearl River Delta region ( PPRD) has helped the regions inland provinces boost their foreign trade. 泛珠江三角洲地区更为紧密的经济合作促进了该地区内陆省份对外贸易的发展。
Those communities may tire of fish, so experiment with seaweed recipes for variety, and go inland to trade with other communities who will value dried or preserved fish. 这些社区或许会对鱼感到厌烦,并尝试食用海草以求得食物的多样性,也会进入内陆地区与其他很珍视干燥和保存过的鱼类的社区进行交易。
To select some inland cities and areas along the borders as windows opening to the outside world to promote the growth of foreign trade and economic and technological exchanges in these areas. 选择若干周边内陆城市与地区作为对外开放的窗口,促进这些地区外贸与经济技术交流的发展。
Besides, the company is also engaged in multiple businesses with the scope covering inland and international trade, manufacturing, real estate, general consultation, etc. 同时本公司也进行多种经营经营范围:各种国内国际贸易,制造业,不动产,综合咨询等。
We should support inland cities such as Zhengzhou and Xi'an in building airports and international land ports, strengthen customs clearance cooperation between inland ports and ports in the coastal and border regions, and launch pilot e-commerce services for cross-border trade. 支持郑州、西安等内陆城市建设航空港、国际陆港,加强内陆口岸与沿海、沿边口岸通关合作,开展跨境贸易电子商务服务试点。
Hong Kong-Inland Trade and Wage Inequality in Hong Kong 香港&内地贸易和香港的工资差距
Comprehensive Evaluation of Inland Trade Urban Sustainable Development and Development of Evaluation Information System 内陆商贸型城市可持续发展综合评价及评价信息系统开发
The results showed that every inland province city economy scale and average per capita income, space distance, Taiwanese investment and peculiar economic cooperation relation are major factors to decide every inland province city and Taiwan area trade volume. 结果显示:内地各省市的经济规模和人均收入水平、空间距离、台商投资和特殊的经济协作关系是决定内地各省市与台湾地区贸易流量的主要因素。
The competition in inland manufacture trade is furious increasingly with the globalization communication of technique, capital& market and China entering into WTO. 在技术、资本、市场全球化、信息化及中国加入WTO背景下,国内制造行业竞争日益激烈。
Thirdly, I make use of the set of evaluation of sustainable development in inland trade city to evaluate the total level of Urumqi sustainable development. 主要结论如下:通过对乌鲁木齐市可持续发展综合评价的应用,证明了本文所建立的内陆商贸型城市可持续发展评价指标体系具有实用性,在相同功能的内陆型城市有较强的推广意义。
Manzhouli is one of mainly inland border port of china. The development of economic and trade cooperation with Russian is component of economic and trade relation chine and Russia. 满洲里作为中国内陆主要边境口岸之一,其对俄罗斯经贸合作的发展,是中俄经贸关系的有机组成部分。
Inland foreign trade enterprises under the new system 新体制下的内地地市外贸企业
Then we comb and summary the literature abroad and inland, conclude that carbon tariff is essentially a new type of green trade barriers that the developed countries throw on developing countries. 然后对国内外学者对碳关税的研究文献进行了梳理与总结,得出碳关税本质上是发达国家针对欠发达国家的一种新型的绿色贸易壁垒的结论。
The construction of inland port accelerates the development of regional economic and export-oriented economy and achieves customs foreign trade exports or closed off in the local. 内陆港的建设加速了区域经济和外向型经济的发展,实现了外贸出口商品的就地报关,封关。
Chinese private enterprises have sprung up from coastal areas to the vast inland in the context of global economic integration and trade liberalization. The private enterprises have made great contribution to the sustained development of economy growth and the increase of the employment. 在全球经济一体化,贸易自由化的背景下,中国民营企业如雨后春笋般从沿海地区向广大的内陆地区扩展,为中国经济的持续增长和劳动就业增长做出了巨大贡献。
Since the reform and opening up, China has formed a pattern of opening up from coastal areas to inland areas and has made great achievements in international trade. 改革开放以来,我国由沿海地区逐步向内陆地区开放,对外贸易发展取得了巨大成就。
Land-port can realized functions of coastal ports, inland and coastal areas achieve "zero distance", decrease logistics cost and effectively improve foreign trade of inland areas, accelerating economic development in inland areas. 陆港可以完全实现沿海港口的功能,实现内陆与沿海地区的零距离接触,降低物流成本,有效的提高内陆地区的对外贸易量,加速内陆地区经济发展。
In chapter two, four aspects of Chinese porcelain, including the production of porcelain, the inland transportation, the international sales network and the way of transaction, are discussed in order to present a vivid picture of porcelain trade. 第二章在第一章背景介绍的基础上对瓷器贸易的详细情况进行阐述,从瓷器的生产、内陆运输、外销网络和交易方式这四个方面对瓷器贸易做了系统介绍。
Tens of thousands of kilometers of inland routes covering one-third of the country, both sides of the river trade routes bank protection works guarding the lives and property of our residents. 我国内河航线覆盖三分之一的国土面积,内河航线两侧几万公里的护岸工程守护着我国居民的生命和财产安全。
For inland cities, the links between international logistics and the development of foreign trade is particularly important. 对于内陆城市而言,国际物流与对外贸易发展的联系尤为重要。